The Kentucky Lizardman

Stephensport, KY - 1966

Sketch by Terry Thomas.

Witness: Joseph (last name on file)

Date: 1966; early Fall

County: Breckinridge

City: Stephensport, KY

Time: approximately 1:00am


When I was around 9 years old living in Breckenridge County I had the most hairy raising experience of my life! One night while fast asleep in my bed I woke to a loud commotion outside my bedroom window, as if something hit the side of my house. I sprang to the window and looked out but saw nothing. So I ran to the living room and pulled back the curtains to the window of the front door and came face to face with the most strangest creature! I can only best describe it as a “lizard-man,” although the only “human” thing about it was the fact that it stood on two legs and was about 5’6” to 6' tall! As you could image we really startled each other! It quickly turned and ran for the creek next to my house and I jumped back from the window! I then ran to an adjacent window to catch a glimpse of it as it ran away on two legs towards the creek which was about 75 yards from my house. I lost sight of it as it disappeared into the darkness.


It’s was “very amphibious looking” with scales covering its entire body. I could definitely see that this creature had webbed feet and webbed hands. Its color was a dark, brownish green. What I remember the most about its face where these huge rows of gills which flared out on both side of the face. Its face was very “hard” looking with little dark eyes, similar to a snake or lizard. I can’t recall a nose or lips as the face to face encounter only lasted a second or two. There was this ridge-like feature which started on the forehead and ran back over the top of its head, kind of peaked at the top.

Other Information:

Our house is located on an acre where Sinking Creek meets the Ohio River. Sinking Creek originates 15 miles “upstream” in Big Springs, KY. An interesting fact, this creek is the only natural trout/spring fed creek in KY. Just past the town of Sample it disappears 12 miles underground (thus the name “Sinking Creek”) and then resurfaces in an area further upstream in an explosion of bubbling water. As far as I am aware, nobody has ever dared to dive far enough down to determine its true origin. This creek is believed to connect to the vast under water system which connects the many caverns of Western KY, the most noted being the caverns of Mammoth Cave.

Follow Up:

Witness appears to be very credible. He is now 49 years old, married, with two children in college. The details of his encounter remain true to his online report. He kept stressing how “amphibious looking” the creature was and it definitely ran on two feet. He added that its body was proportionate to a man’s but neither muscles nor genitalia were noticed. What struck him the most was how quick it was! To this day he still can’t ever image someone having a costume “that life-like”, not today, not 40 years ago, especially in the remote parts Breckinridge! Related sightings: Click Here!

- Charlie Raymond, Lead Investigator



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